
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

International Morse Code: Lesson 5

And here is lesson 5!  This lesson covers the letters V, U, G, and the number 8.

Random Run:
M N G V U G W U G 8 8 A N M K I U V W 5 G G W R E K O 8 2 U G K V N M A S T 5 2 8 I U G V W D

Have fun!  As always, please feel free to leave any suggestions,  comments, or questions in the comment box.



  1. Hi, just a little mistake when you transmit the word "MUTT", however, thank you for your nice lessons.
    Bravo Andy
    73 from in3ade

  2. I hit a real wall with the last lesson, had to go back and repeat it a few times, also helped by the CW Morse Trainer App. But I'm over that hump and this lesson has gone pretty well. Thank you for making them available, it's made a difference.

  3. I agree with leecetheartist. I simply couldn't overcome lesson 4's difficulties. I've repeated it several times and I've even restarted the whole guide a couple of times because of it.


  4. Yes, it sounded like MATT to me. Still, thank you very much for everything. We appreciate it.

  5. Thanks, Andy for doing this for us. This is my second time through the course. Its going really well this time and I feel like I'll be able to go on the air when I'm done. What does this come out to for WPM? Thanks, Bob

    1. Hey Bob. The speed is 5 WPM but if I can remember the settings on the program I used, the individual letters are sent at 10 WPM. I think the faster letter speed helps remember the individual rhythms of the letters, but the actual transmission speed is 5WPM. Thanks!

    2. I really hit the wall with G, was doing ok up till then.Suddenly I was copying only the Lesson 1 letters, everything else went from 95% copy to near zero. Is this a fatigue effect of some kind?

    3. You may have hit a wall. It happens to everyone. Mine were Y and Q which was bad because they were both in my original call sign. Take a break for a few days. G is just the opposite of W.

    4. tnx andy. Good to hear its not unusual. I've been messing around with online sending practice. I do the alphabet, if I draw a blank I look up a letter and start over and over. I made a complete errorless run through the alphabet today, even with a fist like a rhino missing three fingers and wearing boxing gloves. Odd thing- if I hear CQ I instantly recognize it at almost any speed, but it's the one thing I can't send well! Go figure!

    5. Thanks Andy,I appreciate it is the best methode, I have done quite well the 4 th lesson .now i am struglling with the 5th lesson.

  6. oops sry my name is Glenn:)

  7. I am learning Morse just cause I am curious .This is the second time I am doing this course and I may have to repeat yet again. I think I am having real issues with listening(am probably a selective listener) Hopefully it improves when I finish the whole course. You sound fun, that's what keep's me going :-) Kudos

  8. Thanks Andy so much for this course I hit my wall on lesson 4 d and w I kept pushing through and it finally clicked :) now lesson 5 seems quite manageable. Thanks for putting this course out here for free when it could have easily been a paid course. You are what is great about the FREE Exchange of ideas/information on the Internet.

  9. Great course! Struggling a lot already but just needs a lot of practice.

  10. Definitely a glitch in the audio at MUTT.

  11. Were you chewing gum while in the random run for letter V ??

  12. You actually typed M A T T , not MuTT. Go back and listen.

  13. Andy,
    Great class.
    I was struggling until I ran across your class.
    Still have some trouble, but much better after taking lessons 1,3,3,4,5,working on 6.
    Thank you sir.
    If you planning any other classes I'm in.
